Atomio hosts its own API documentation and the Swagger UI at /swagger-ui.html wherever Atomio is hosted, which will render the OpenAPI 3 documentation Atomio also hosts at /v3/api-docs. This will contain the API documentation for the running Atomio version.

You can download an OpenAPI file for the latest production version of Atomio. You can also browse Atomio’s API using the Swagger or Elements UIs.

Primarily this is a REST API based around Feed, Entry, Artefact and Alias resources mentioned above. Additionally for each Feed and Alias resource the Atom feed format can be requested at /feed/{feedName}/syndication.xml and /alias/{aliasName}/syndication.xml

Storage validation

Atomio provides an endpoint at /admin/validate-storage which can be used to trigger Atomio to perform a storage self check.

When requested, Atomio will check that all the files it is storing supporting all the artefacts referenced in the entries and feeds exist and match their recorded lengths. Additionally it can check the SHA256 hashes, however this can also be disabled because it is a more expensive operation.

Atomio will respond with whether the storage check succeeded or failed, and if it failed the list of paths that failed to validate. Server logs will include details of the issues encountered for each file.


Atomio by default exposes

  • a healthcheck endpoint at /actuator/health which is useful for checking the instance’s health and readiness, and
  • an information endpoint at /actuator/info which is useful to determine the exact Atomio version which is deployed.

The healthcheck endpoint is particularly useful for configuring in container orchestration tools like Kubernetes, or dashboards.