Naming System

Ontoserver supports the management of NamingSystems.

Naming Systems support SCRUD (Search, Create, Read, Update and Delete) operations as per the FHIR Specification rules for REST and NamingSystems.

Search for naming system definitions is limited to the following parameters:

  • the name, _id, description and value parameters (these 3 additionally support the :exact, :contains and :missing modifiers)

  • the id-type, kind, status, _tag, context and context-type parameters, including code, |code, system| and system|code formats, and the :missing modifier

  • the _lastUpdated parameter, including the lt, gt, ge, le and eq prefixes, and the :missing modifier. This parameter can be provided multiple times for AND semantics, to support use cases such as searching between 2 times

  • the extension x-syndication-status parameter with values true and false

  • the context-type-value parameter

Composite search parameters are supported, so all parameters can be used multiple times, for AND semantics, or with comma-separated values for OR semantics.

Of these, name, _id, description, publisher, kind, and status can be used to sort search results. _lastUpdated may also be used to sort results, but not as a search parameter.

Preferred ID Operation

The $preferred-id operation returns the preferred ID of a given type (e.g. URI or OID) for a NamingSystem.


where the id (which identifies the NamingSystem) and type (which says which type of preferred ID to return) must be provided in the parameters of a GET request, or the body of a POST request.

The $preferred-id operation is supported according to its definition in the FHIR Specification, and supports the id and type parameters.