Structure Definition

Ontoserver supports the management of StructureDefinitions. StructureDefinitions that are profiles of ValueSet, CodeSystem or ConceptMap can be referred to for validation of terminology resources.

Structure Definitions support SCRUD (Search, Create, Read, Update and Delete) operations as per the FHIR Specification rules for REST and StructureDefinitions.

Search for structure definitions is limited to the following parameters:

  • the name, _id, description and publisher parameters (these 3 additionally support the :exact, :contains and :missing modifiers)

  • the url parameter, including the :missing, :above and :below modifiers,

  • the reference parameter, and

  • the identifier, version, type, status and _tag parameters, including code, |code, system| and system|code formats, and the :missing modifier

  • the extension x-syndication-status parameter with values true and false

Of these, name, _id, description, publisher, type, version, url and status can be used to sort search results. _lastUpdated may also be used to sort results, but not as a search parameter.