Security Configuration

Ontoserver offers several configuration options relating to secured access.

RBAC in Ontoserver

Ontoserver can be configured to enforce role-based access control (RBAC) itself.

Ontoserver provides three endpoint families: api (Admin), fhir (FHIR), and synd (Syndication). Within each of these familes there are two roles: READ and WRITE, corresponding to whether the operation can change the state of the server (WRITE) or not (READ). (false)
If true, enables role-based security on the various Ontoserver API families. Each of the api, fhir, and synd endpoints has separate READ and WRITE roles.
The secret signing key for the JWT tokens. When configuring ontoserver to work with an authorization server, this parameter should be the shared key (using shared secret/symmetric key). Asymmetric (public-private) key is not currently supported. (false)
If true, and role-based security is enabled, then all users (including unauthenticated users) get minimum of READ access to the api endpoint. (false)
If true, and role-based security is enabled, then all users (including unauthenticated users) get minimum of READ access to the fhir endpoint. (false)
If true, and role-based security is enabled, then all users (including unauthenticated users) get minimum of READ access to the synd endpoint.

Advertising security details

The FHIR Conformance Resource is used to advertise security related information and this can be configured through the following properties:
Allows you to provide a general description of how security works for inclusion in the element.
is a comma-separated list of codes drawn from the ValueSet Only the codes Basic and SMART-on-FHIR are currently supported.
is a URL indicating the OAuth 2 "authorize" endpoint. This is required if contains SMART-on-FHIR
is a URL indicating the OAuth2 "token" endpoint. This is required if contains SMART-on-FHIR

More details about SMART-on-FHIR are available at

SSL/TLS support

Ontoserver can use a secure HTTPS connector (this is the default) or a plain HTTP connector (this can be configured by setting the ONTOSERVER_INSECURE variable to true).

The HTTPS connector can be configured by adding the following properties:

server.ssl.key-store (/keystore.p12)
Path to the key store that holds the SSL certificate (typically a p12 or jks file). For example: classpath:ontoserverkeystore.p12.
Password used to access the key store.
server.ssl.keyStoreType (PKCS12)
Type of the key store. For example, PKCS12. Other possible values include JKS, PKCS11 and JCEKS.
server.ssl.keyAlias (ontoserver)
Alias that identifies the key in the key store. For example, ontoserver.
Password used to access the key within the key store.

Furthermore, HTTP Strict Transport Security (HSTS) is enabled by default for HTTPS. It can be disabled with: (true)
If false, then the Strict-Transport-Security header will not be sent for HTTPS responses.